
  1. GHGプロトコルに基づいた環境ビジネスや健康関連での各種サービス
  2. 日本企業の中国・香港・台湾での事業プラットフォームの構築。市場調査、パートナー探し、製品のローカライズ、セールスネットワーク構築などを含みます 
  3. 中国・香港・台湾企業の日本市場進出サポート。市場調査、パートナー探し、製品のローカライズ、セールスネットワーク構築などを含みます



<準備段階> 1ヶ月以内
→ お問い合わせ(オンライン会議)
→ 簡易な市場調査(1〜2週間)
→ 事業化の可否に関してご報告
→ 条件のご相談とご契約
<推進段階> 3ヶ月以内
→ 市場調査とパートナー候補探し
→ ご報告とご相談(オンライン会議)
→ パートナー候補とのオンラインでの面談
→ 現地出張(直接面談)
<事業化段階> 6ヶ月以内
→ 事業毎、ケースバイケースです


  1. Building a business platform for Japanese companies in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, including market research, partner search, product localization, sales network construction, etc.
  2. Support for Chinese, Hong Kong, and Taiwanese companies entering the Japanese market, including market research, partner search, product localization, sales network construction, etc.
  3. Various environmental business based on the GHG protocol and health-related services

We provide our service to (a) Japanese companies (manufacturing companies) who are unable to expand overseas due to a lack of manpower and (b) overseas companies that have a track record in the EU and US markets, but have not had the opportunity to enter the Japanese market due to a lack of Japanese language personnel.

Service flow (general case)

Step 1 – Preparation Within 1 month
→ Contact us (online meeting)
→ Simple market research (1-2 weeks)
→ Report on feasibility of commercialization
→ Consultation on terns and conditions of contract
Step 2 – Marketing Within 3 months
→ Market research and finding potential partners
→ Report and consultation (online meeting)
→ Online interview with potential partners
*We will try to select candidates from multiple companies as much as possible.
→ Business trip (on-site interview)
Step 3 – Commercialization Within 6 months
→ a case by case basis for each.

  1. 為日本企業在中國、香港、台灣建置業務平台,包括市場研究、尋找合作夥伴、產品在地化、銷售網路建置等。
  2. 支持中國、香港、台灣企業進入日本市場,包括市場研究、尋找合作夥伴、產品在地化、銷售網路建置等。
  3. 基於GHG協議的各種環境業務和健康相關服務



<準備階段> 1個月內
→ 聯絡我們(線上會議)
→ 簡單的市場調查(1-2週)
→ 商業化可行性報告
→ 合約條款的諮詢
<行銷階段> 3個月內
→ 市場調查和尋找潛在合作夥伴
→ 報告及諮詢(線上會議)
→ 潛在合作夥伴線上面試
→ 出差(現場面試)
<商業化階段> 6個月內
→ 具體情況具體分析。